Italy Trip 2024 - Ostia Antica
Perfect day at Ostia Antica - something about the smell of sea and an ancient site - awesome!!
Our most important objective was to see the remains of the oldest synagogue in Europe at Ostia, from the first century AD. It has amazing mosaic floor tiles still intact in places. Two columns have beautifully detailed carved menorahs. We were able to get drone footage without incident.
Ostia is HUGE… like Pompeii except it was never assaulted by volcanoes…or flood or fire or other destruction. 4th c BC to 4th c AD then fell out of use due to silting of the harbor. Temples, ancient city gates, commercial agora’s with mosaic tiles floors depicting their wares, fancy homes, large bath complexes….everything typical of a wealthy Roman city . Just as Paul would have experienced during his missionary journeys.
We also toured a medieval castle and explored the quaint area of the old city of Ostia. AND ate gelato, pasta, and apersol spritz apertifs.
Thanking God for an incredible day!!
Overhead view of the remains of a synagogue at Ostia Antica - the oldest known synagogue in Europe.