Hattusa (Bogazkoy, Turkey) and the Hittites
A Site Visit: Hattusa, Turkey and the Hittites
1700th Anniversary 1st Council of Nicaea: May 2025
1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea
Antioch near Pisidia - Temple of Augustus
A Site Visit: Pisidian Antioch - Temple of Augustus (Yalvac, Turkey)

Gethsemane and the Basilica of the Agony (Church of All Nations), Jerusalem Israel
A Site Visit: Gethsemane and the Basilica of the Agony, Jerusalem Israel

Santa Restituta, Baptistry of San Giovanni In Fonte and the Naples Duomo
Early Christian art and architecture: Santa Restituta and the Baptistry of San Giovanni in Fonte, Naples Cathedral Italy