Ephesus Turkey, Upper and Lower City

“He (Paul) withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.  This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.”  Acts 19:9-10

Ephesus is such a captivating archeological site that it is actually hard to concentrate on the details of what you are seeing! The city was the Roman capital of Asia at the time of Paul’s stay here and no doubt enticingly beautiful at that time as well - even though the beauty was really the visible sign of a terrible devotion to pagan idols and magic.

We visited in 2021.  We were the only group in the site that morning d/t the final days of a COVID lockdown and no cruise ships.  It was an impossibly beautiful blue sky day and the photos opportunities were priceless.  When we went back in 2023 we were determined to explore the site more methodically - but alas, Curetes street just draws you right down to the lower city and the tour guide up to the Paul’s Grotto is waiting behind the terrace houses, and so again we wish we had done a better job!  Just a smattering of pictures below.  Some of the structures were there in Paul’s day, some were under construction, and some post date him (including the famous Celsus library).  Next week we’ll post picture of the Terrace Houses and two of the very early Christian churches here (The Basilica of St. John and the Church of Mary).

Standing in the upper city of Ephesus, looking down Curetes street toward the Celsus Library.


Ephesus Turkey; Basilica of St John and the Church of Mary


St Paul’s Grotto, Ephesus Turkey