Creating a Non-Profit takes time!

Who knew there are some many things to do to create a non-profit?

We have talked to the lawyer and all of the paper work is finally completed and turned in to the state. We are now just waiting for the reply that will allow us to officially use the 501C3 non-profit status. That will be a huge step when completed.

Margery and I are both officially “Directors” now, but you may still address us without our titles.

Our Daughter-In- Law helped us with a design guide and logo. If you want to check out her incredible work: She is amazing and we are very blessed. Our website is full of her touches and elements she has designed (samples are above).

We have created a number of informational videos to ask for prayers and donations to support our new project. They are linked to our Go Fund Me page:

Along the way we are learning a lot about video and sound! and honestly, its a tad humbling - I thought I was pretty good at technology. I obviously have a lot to learn! (and who knew Margery was such a perfectionist?!).

We have secured a domain and edited 115 photos from our travels, and are writing content.

The website will have two purposes:

1. To connect to pastors (and their spouses) about 3-5 years into their ministry and to provide an application process for them to travel to biblical sites.

2. To provide a platform to raise capital funds to allow Scripture in Stone to exist for years to come.

And we got a PO Box (I guess putting your mailing address everywhere is not advised).

These past few weeks have been very busy and fun. Our evenings, weekends and our free time have been spent planning, dreaming and recording bad audio!

There is no way we could not do this without all of the help, assistance, guidance and advice from many friends and family. Thank you! We continue to ask for your prayers and if you are so moved your donations (see link below)


A day by day blog of our trips! (and more)


Archeology & God’s Word